There are many opportunities to enjoy the outdoor attractions of Maiden Rock.
Camping is available in The Village Park for tents and RVs. The village campground now has 50 amp electrical hook-up sites for $25 a day and tent sites for $15 a day. *Camping availability is on a first come first serve basis*
Maiden Rock is visited by hundreds of bicyclists every summer. Hwy 35 is a challenging hilly route but the beautiful waysides and vistas of Lake Pepin make a rewarding ride.
There is also 9mile bike loop along the Rush River valley from Co. rd A & 35 to 385th and Hwy35.
There is a boat launch in the Village Park and a dock where boats can park for day use.
The Maiden Rock flats are perfect for canoeing, kayaking, sailing and fishing boats.
Fishing is plentiful in the area. Rush River, Pine Creek both have parking areas off Hwy35.
Check regulations and season rules and licensing.
Bird Watching:
The Mississippi Flyway, Eagles, pelicans, herons, sand hill cranes and songbirds of all sorts.

The West Wisconsin Land Trust has been very instrumental in keeping the wilderness areas of Maiden Rock preserved.
Their Education Programs and guided hikes are for adults, kids and families.
1) Maiden Rock Bluff:
Maiden Rock Bluff Natural Area #410
The Maiden Rock Bluff is privately owned by the WWLT. Visitors are welcome and asked to respect the bluffs fragile soils and plants, it's prairies, limestone slopes and it's natural sounds and silences.
Extending for nearly a mile, the 400 ft high bluff is especially noteworthy for the presence of nesting peregrine falcons, a state endangered species.
Situated along the Mississippi Flyway, the bluff is an important migration corridor for raptors and neotropical songbirds. The rock bluff provides hunting perches and habitat for a variety of other raptors including gyrfalcon, golden eagle, bald eagle and turkey vulture.
Maiden Rock Bluff is located between the villages of Stockholm & Maiden Rock. From Stockholm take County Rd J 3/4 mile to County Rd E, go up County Rd E approximately 1 mile to Long Lane. Take Long Lane to parking area.
Currently only a couple of walking trails are available to hikers. These are approximately a mile in distance and considered an easy hike. Please stay on the trails and avoid the sensitive natural areas.
Enjoy the View!
2) Along Pine Creek And Rustic Road
3) Along Rush River (parking at hwy 35)